Creating Time For Yourself

If you’re struggling to create time for yourself because you’re living a fast-paced hurried lifestyle, your schedule is overflowing and your energy is all over the place, I’m certain a few of these tips that I’ll be sharing with you today on The Debra Shepherd Podcast will support you in creating time for yourself.

We all live full lives and I know from personal experience how easy it can be to get swept up in the busyness of life where everything and everyone else comes first. When this happens, you can lose focus, become distracted, your creativity and productivity drops, you feel overwhelmed and tired.

Episode Highlights

  • I share some simple tips that will help you create more time and space in your day no matter how busy you are.

  • The two distinct phases you'll come across when you focus on creating more time for yourself.

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Why You're Not Making A Bigger Impact


Simplify Your Life