Creating Space In Your Day

Imagine having space in your day just for you, with no one else, no phones, computers or other mobile devices. Sounds amazing but it can be challenging when you have competing priorities, a business, career, family and personal life to consider. What can often happen is that everything and everyone else comes first, and creating space for yourself ends up on the bottom of your to-do list. 

The number one relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself and it's essential to remove yourself from the busyness of life so you can focus on reconnecting with yourself and what is most important for you. For me, this is a daily practice, and it is non-negotiable. 

From my experience, I have found two distinct phases when you are creating space in your day. The first is creating space. The second can be just as challenging, and that is not filling the space once you have created it. If you are ambitious, chances are you want to get more done rather than using that time to stop and reconnect. 

The key is to be intentional.

Today, I invite you to focus on creating space. Start small with 10-15 minutes. Begin with what you can manage right now. Even five minutes a day, seven days a week, will have an impact.

Before you start your day tomorrow, look at how you can carve out 10-15 minutes for yourself. Use the list below as a starting point to inspire you with ideas.

  • Say no to an invitation or meeting. 

  • Take an appointment (that is not necessary) out of your schedule. 

  • Reorganise a meeting and reduce the appointment time by five or 10 minutes. 

  • Cutting down on work late in the evening. 

  • Set clear boundaries around the time you spend on social media. 

  • Get out of bed 10-15 minutes earlier in the morning. 

  • Allocate 10-15 minutes of your lunch break solely for you. 

  • Reduce time spent watching television at night. 

There are many opportunities to create small pockets of time in your day to focus on nurturing the most critical relationship in your life. 

I hope this list is a starting point and gives you ideas on how you can create space for yourself. Start with five minutes and if you can commit to more amazing. Life is hectic start with what you can. 

Schedule it into your day and set the alarm on your phone as a reminder if you need too. View this time as precious, and resist the temptation to fill it up once you have created it. 

Make creating space in your day a priority because, from my experience, this is where you will begin to see the magic unfold. 

Learn more about how we can work together, here.


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